(Gnu Radiation Computer Aided Modeler)


GnuRad allows a user to model a variety of radiation heat transfer problems without having to write a computer program. GnuRad can model something simple as energy radiating from a plane surface, or something complex where the model is a series of connected enclosures containing a participating medium. The types of models that GnuRad can run is quite extensive, currently limited to only orthogonal plane gray surfaces with a medium having isotropic scattering. Some examples of what GnuRad can model are: GnuRad is a computer program which simulates the radiation heat transfer in an enclosure or series of connected enclosures. The basic enclosure is 'box' shaped (regular parallelepiped) having arbitrary dimensions and containing a medium. Depending on the requirements of the model, boxes can be joined together, walls can be removed, and the medium can be participating or non-participating.

GnuRad is a direct physical model using the Monte Carlo technique for photon bundle direction and initial position. Details of the Monte Carlo technique can be found in several of the books listed in the Reference section of this document.

GnuRad is written in C++ using object oriented programming practices. GnuRad is protected by the GNU public license ( 2.0 and/or higher). Roughly this means, the source code and user manual of GnuRad are free to be copied or modified as long as any changes or enhancements continue to be free. This philosophy will allow GnuRad to continue to grow in options and features.

To read more about GnuRad, please read the User Guide (on this link) .

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Last Updated 20120120