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2.0 Building a Model


In order to run GunRad, the user must create an input file of what is to be modeled. The minimum input consist of what mode to run GnuRad, the bundle energy or the number of bundles to send, and the model description. The minimum model is a box containing a medium. All six walls of the box and the medium must have their properties described in the input. In this section, we will focus on describing the geometric properties of a model, and the coordinate systems which are involved in building a model. Details of the input language and samples of input files are given in later sections.


There are three coordinate systems used in GnuRad; they are: global, box, and local coordinates. Global coordinates are used for the entire model, box coordinates are used for the box and its medium, and local coordinates are used for each of the six walls. The importance of the global coordinate system will be discussed in the "Joining of Boxes" section.

Box coordinates are needed to tell the numbering system of the walls and the dimension of the box and its medium. Below is a figure showing the box coordinate system and the wall numbering scheme. This numbering scheme is the same for all boxes in the model.

Box Coordinates

Local Coordinates

As previously stated, all walls have their own local coordinate systems. Shown below are how the six local coordinate systems (lower case) of the walls line up with the box coordinate system (upper case).

Local Coordinates

Meshing A Wall

A wall is divided into a 1x1 mesh by default. However, it is sometimes desirable to divide a wall into many smaller elements (i.e. 5x4 mesh). This may be done to view a temperature profile of an unknown wall or to account for varying properties of the wall. When a wall is divided into smaller elements, each element is tagged with a specific number. Shown below and on the following page is the numbering scheme of the wall elements, with respect to a wall's local coordinate system and the box coordinate system.

Wall Element Numbering (Local Coordinates)

Wall Element Numbering (Local & Box Coordinates)

Meshing A Particpating Medium

The medium of a box can also be divided into smaller 'brick' elements. Each 'brick' element also has a unique numerical identifier as shown below.

Media Elements (Box Coordinates)

Joining Boxes

When a model consists of more than one box, it becomes necessary to join boxes together to either form a new shape and/or to have varying properties of the media. There are three rules which must be adhered to when joining boxes; they are:


The following units are used in GnuRad.

Dimensions - Meters
Energy - Joule
Flux - Watts per square meter
Power - Watts
Temperature - Degrees
Kelvin Time - Seconds

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