# Example one, a box enclosure with one unknown wall # temperature. All other walls have known properties # (i.e. temperature, emissivity, and reflectivity). # The media in this example is non participating # (i.e. clear). Mode(Temperature) # Model Mode is either temperature or view Bundle(0.001) # Bundle energy Model(1) # Number of enclosures in the model # This is Box one , X = 1, Y = 5, Z = 5 meters # Note, ':' ';' and ',' can be used to separate data Box(1;1,5,5) # For wall numbering, think of yourself as being inside of the box. # Wall 1 is on the bottom # temp = 100 K, emis = .5, diffuse reflection = 0.5, specular ref. = 0 Wall(1;temp,100,.5,.5,0) # Left wall 1 meter long 5 meters high # temp = 100 K, emis = 1.0,diffuse reflection = 0, specular ref. = 0 Wall(2;temp,100,1.0,0,0) # Back wall, 5 meters by 5 meters. # temp = 50 K, emis = 0.7, diffuse ref = 0.3, specular ref. = 0 Wall(3;temp,50,0.7,.3,0) # Top wall 1 meter long 5 meters high Wall(4;temp,70,1.0,0,0) # Right wall 1 meter long 5 meters high Wall(5;temp,100,0.6,.4,0) # Front wall with an unknown temperature # Emissivity = 0.4,diffuse reflection = .6, specular ref. = 0 , 5X5 grid Wall(6;unknown,5,5,0.4,.6,0) # Iterate a maximum of 40 times or to a sent/receive ratio of 0.5 % # update factor = 1.0, and iterate to a net flux of 0.0 watts Iterate(40,0.5,1.0, 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0) # The media is non-participating, clear Media(1,clear)