# All four walls have the same temperature and emissivity # The top & bottom have the same temp. and emis. but they # do not need to be the same as the walls. # # q(bottom) = 4sigma(Tb^4 - Tw^4)/(4/eb + 2/ew -1) # # q(wall) = - 1/2q(bottom) # # Tb = 400 K (Temp of bottom/top) Tw = 200 K (Wall temp) # eb = 0.8 (Emissivity of bottom/top) ew = 0.4 (Wall emiss) # sigma = 5.67051x10^-8 (Stefan_Boltzmann constant) # # q(top/bottom) = 604.85 q(per wall) = -302.42 # Note, comments are more concise, see lower sample numbers for # more descriptive detail. Seed(5146) Mode(temperature) Bundle(0.01) Model(1) Box(1,1,1,1) Wall(1,temp,400,0.8,.2,0) # Bottom Wall(2,temp,200,0.4,.6,0) # Side Wall(3,temp,200,0.4,.6,0) # Side Wall(4,temp,400,0.8,.2,0) # Top Wall(5,temp,200,0.4,.6,0) # Side Wall(6,temp,200,0.4,.6,0) # Side Media(1,clear)