Loan Payment Calculator

For instructions please see below.
Loan Amount :
Interest Rate (percent) :
Payment Time (months) :
Monthly Payment :
Total Interest Paid :
Total of Interest & Principal :

Years to Month Calculator

Years :
Number of Months :


Suppose you want to borrow $25,000 for a  new car with a loan rate of 6.5% and a payment plan of 5 years.

I) Calculate how many months are in 5 years by using the "Years to Month  Calculator".

  1. Enter 5 in the "Years" row.
  2. The number of months will appear in the "Number of Months" row (which should be 60).

II) Calculate the monthly payment using the "Loan Payment Calculator".

  1. Enter 25000 in the "Loan Amount"  row.
  2. Enter 6.25 in the "Interest Rate" row.
  3. Enter 60 in the "Payment Time" row (this was calculated from above).
  4. The monthly payment, total interest paid, and total of interest & principal will appear in their appropriate rows (which should be 486.23, 4173.89, and 29173.89 respectively).

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