Influence of a Body on a Quadcopter


Having 2 Emax Babyhawks with one of them having the body broken beyond a point of repair, it was decided to replace the plastic body with a carbon fiber body/frame of similar size. Once the project was completed there were two quadcopters with identical Flight Controllers, ESCs, Motors, Propellers and cameras. The only difference was the bodies and the spacing of the motors. Because everything else was the same it was elected to see what kind of influence the body had on the performance of the quadcopter.

The test that was decided was to fly each quadcopter about 1.5 meters off the ground in hover to see how much power was required. Three sets of flights were made, two where each quad had the same weight to see how the different body shapes affected the results. And the third set combined the new weight and shape of the carbon fiber body. Below is the top and front views of the quadcopters along with their basic data.

Top View

Front View


Quad Body Front Width (mm) Back Width (mm) Fore/Aft Length (mm) Diagonal Length (mm) Weight Empty (gr) Weight Reduction (%)
Original 61 61 61 86 68.4 0.0
Carbon Fiber (CF) 81 72 70 -- 63.1 7.75

Test Results

Switching to a carbon fiber body reduced both the weight and power needed to maintain hover even when the weights were matched. For the identical weight test, both quadcopters were set to 69 grams.

Quad Body Weight (gr) Hower Power (W) Power Reduction (%)
Original 69.0 29.82 0.0
CF matched weight 69.0 26.77 10.23
CF new weight 63.1 24.95 16.33

Test Procedure

Because of the age of the flight controllers, they did not have telemetry or 'blackbox' data recording to acquire the data directly. To determine the power at hover the following was done.

Quad Body Weight (gr) Start Cell 1/Cell 2/ Total (v) Final Cell 1/Cell 2/ Total (v) Ave. voltage Total Charge (mAh) Ave. Ampere Power (Watts)
Original 69.0 4.151/4.150/8.302 3.745/3.747/7.495 7.899 881 3.7760 29.82
CF matched weight 69.0 4.147/4.145/8.293 3.771/3.770/7.541 7.917 789 3.3814 26.77
CF new weight 63.1 4.148/4.145/8.294 3.785/3.783/7.570 7.932 734 3.1457 24.95

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