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7.0 Future Enhancements

The source code of GnuRad includes the structure for two additional types of scattering. The proposed types are, S2 and S3 scattering. They can be invoked by specifying their names as the type of scatter in the MEDIA keyword.

i.e. Media(1: temp, 300, 0.7, 0.5, S2) or Media(1: temp, 300, 0.7, 0.5, S3)

What is needed to complete the S2 or S3 scatter type is the selection of the scattering model (Mie, Rayleigh, etc.). Once a model has been determined, the proper equations can be added into the "S2_scat" or "S3_scat" function. Both of these functions appear in the MEDIA class (source code file name is "media.C"). Expecting that additional particle data may be required, the keyword PARTICLE has been added to the global variable list of the MEDIA class. This will allow six additional parameters to be used by the scattering functions. All six of these parameters are of double type (Double precision).

Particle(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) where p1 - p6 are double precision

If additional particle parameters are needed, the MEDIA header file and PARSER class must be changed.

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