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6.0 Output

GnuRad has five standard output files. Four are created in the TEMPERATURE mode, and one is created in the VIEW mode. All of the files can be identified by the three letter extension which is automatically placed on by GnuRad.

output.tbl - Tabular format.
output.tgr - Text graphics format.
output.csv - Comma separated variable format.
output.plt - Plot file format.

VIEW mode
output.vwf - View factor or radiation interchange factor summary format.

Tabular Format

The Tabular format is always printed when GnuRad is run in the TEMPERATURE mode. When no output file name is specified, the tabular format is printed to the screen. The tabular format gives complete information about the model; first the basic information is reported, such as the local geometry, wall or media type, and the energy of a photon bundle. If the wall or media temperature were initially unknown, information about iteration parameters are also given. Next, information about the elements which make a wall or the media are reported in a tabular format. This includes the initial temperature, the number of bundles sent, the number of bundles received, the temperature based on number of bundles received, and the net flux. After the tabular information of the elements, the net flux of the wall or media is reported. Finally, The net flux of the entire model is reported at the end of the file. If all went well, this value should be approximately zero. This indicates that all the bundles were properly tracked. An example of the tabular format file is shown below. Note, descriptive comments have been placed curl braces.


Text-Graphic Format

The text-graphic format is an ASCII text file which is formatted to look like graphics. When viewing this file or printing it, the text characters should be fixed width. A sample of the file is shown below. Note, descriptive comments have been placed inside the sample file and are shown in italic character.


Comma Separated Variable Format

The "csv" formatted file allows output from GnuRad to be used as input to a spreadsheet program, such as Xspread, MS Excel, or Lotus 123. A sample of this file is shown below. This file is not designed for direct viewing, but should be loaded first into a spreadsheet where the commas are used to separate the information into the proper cell. Once imported into a spreadsheet, the format is similar to the tabular format file.


Plot Format

This file allows the unknown wall or walls to have their temperatures and or fluxes plotted by the program "GNUPLOT". The original output file will need to be separated into two files. The first file should contain the information on how GNUPLOT is to plot the data; it is currently set to plot a 3-D contour plot. The second file should contain only the numerical data; a commented line in the output file will tell you where the data begins and ends. Finally, the reader should obtain the GNUPLOT user manual, since it will tell much more information on what types of plots can be produced.


View Factor &Radiation Exchange Factor Format

The view factor or radiation exchange factor format file is created when GnuRad is in VIEW mode and an output file is specified when GnuRad is executed. The format of this file is similar to the tabular format but with the following exceptions. The wall type is either 'R', 'S', or 'P'. 'R' signifies it is a receiving wall and it is used in the calculation of the view or radiation exchange factor. 'S' signifies it is s sending wall and it is used in the calculation of the view or radiation exchange factor. Finally, 'P' signifies the wall participates in the model but the bundles it receives are not used in the calculation of the view or radiation exchange factor.


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