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5.0 Sample Input Files


A good way to become familiar with GnuRad is to run the input file. This file and other sample files have been included on the distribution disk and are also listed in this manual. These files make a good way of introducing the GnuRad model building language. It is recommended that be used since it is fully commented and it's output files are used in the description of the output files. Once GnuRad and the sample file has been placed in the same directory, type in the following at the command prompt:

C >gnurad sample1

GnuRad will display the current process, such as building the model, sending the photon bundles, or iterating. Once the command prompt is back, four files will have been created. They are sample1.tbl, sample1.tgr, sample1.csv and sample.plt. Two of these output files (.tbl and .tgr) give their reports on the model in a tabular and text-graphic format and are self explanatory. The .csv and .plt files are used as input to spreadsheets and plotting programs. These output files are described further in the manual.

When comparing the output files from your run of to the ones in the "Output" section of this manual, do not be alarmed at small variations in the answers. These small variations are not errors, but a result of the Monte Carlo process which GnuRad uses. For further information, please see the Program Theory section.

  1. Unknown Wall Temperature
  2. Unknown Media Temperature
  3. Unknown Wall & Media Temperature
  4. Modest Problem 5.7
  5. Modest Example 5.4
  6. View Factor
  7. Radiation Exchange Factor
  8. Joining Several Boxes
  9. Using All Features

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